We are counting down the days left until spring break-only 3 days left! We all desperately need a break! Plus, we get to leave for Cali on Friday right after work. Yay- I am so excited to see Angie, Willy, and the boys-it has been way too long. I hope I will be able to help Angie get ready for the new baby. I only wish I could be there when the baby is born! I am so jealous that Mom will be there. The whole family is going and Cole asks every day how many more days till he gets to see Ben, Brady, and Toby. He is so excited. Damon and I are excited about the 10-hour drive with the kids-good luck!
Today was such a fun day-these kids make me laugh so hard. I love listening to Cole read! He is really turning into quite the reader. He gets new books almost each time he goes to school. When we sit down to read them he is bored with me reviewing all the new words. All he wants to do is start reading. While he was reading today I couldn't help but smile. I love the way he sounds out his words. I really hope he enjoys school this much when he gets older-he is totally bummed when it is not a school day. He also loves to see Mama at school and is so frustrated when Mama drops him off at our house instead of taking him to see Papa.
Luke was so funny today. I was in helping Ellee go potty and when I came out I saw Luke's legs sticking out of the blanket with him leaning against the bed. I thought he was just teasing me so I went over to tickle his toes. When I got there I noticed that he had a box of cereal on his lap. The little stinker climbed up on the chair-climbed across the counter-and got the cereal-then climbed down and went and hid under the covers. It was all I could do to keep a straight face. Teresa and Chase’s nickname for him “Hoover” might just stick. He loves to eat anything.
We were then watching a movie together and Ellee climbed on my lap so I started rocking her like a baby. I was teasing her and talking to her like a baby. She looked up at me and instead of giggling said; “I am not a baby” with so much attitude. She said it so clear. Cole looked at me with a shock on his face-my face probably mirrored his. She had so much attitude-watch out boys-we've got a little diva on our hands.
It was so fun to just sit back and watch how different each personality is in this house-at least we know that life will never be boring!