I love animals-and especially dogs! I've wanted a new dog for quite awhile and things just kinda fell into place and we found ourselves with a new puppy. We tossed around names but in the end Ellee's choice of names stuck, Tink. It seems to fit her personality. She is just a little fluff ball. She is a havachon (a havanese, bichon frise mix). Damon and I have always had big-very big-dogs and this is our first attempt with a little one. We'll see how it goes. She is seven weeks old and has stolen everyone's hearts around here. We've had to remind Cole a few times not to maul her. He wants to carry her everywhere and he really is her favorite. She loves him just as much as he loves her. It has been fun to watch Ellee and Luke go from screaming and running away to cuddling her and rubbing her belly. We'll have to see how this all plays out. Yay!