Friday, July 30, 2010

Make Over

Ellee is obsessed with combing my hair. She comes into my room with 20 bows, her brush, headbands, bobby pins. Whatever she thinks will be pretty in my hair. She then spends 30 minutes making my hair beautiful and then trying to make hers look the same. This is one of my favorite looks she's given me.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fun at the zoo

We decided to buy a zoo pass this year. It's been nice to have. We've been to the zoo 4 times this year and the kids absolutely love it. I keep thinking they'll get bored with it but they always find something new. Cole's favorite thing at the zoo is the bird show. He wants to run over to watch it every time he hears it start. Ellee loves the baby elephant and the peacocks walking around. Luke loves the gorillas and rhinos.Ashlyn and Alyssa stayed with us while Teresa and Chase were in Italy for their 10 year anniversary. We decided to meet up with Sarah and go to the zoo. It was crazy! It was cute watching them find their buddy and stick together. I was asked 2 different times if all those kids were mine :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Okay...catch up time. Easter was great. I had a hard time deciding between different Easter outfits, so decided to get them each a couple :)

The kids loved coloring eggs this year. They had fun trying to color designs all over the eggs...and we only broke 4 eggs by dropping them (at least they were hard boiled).

The Easter egg hunt at the Bell's was lots of fun. The kids loved it. The weather was not great so we had the egg hunt inside. Needless to say we had to be pretty creative with our hiding spots...and ended up just throwing some out in the middle of the floor because there weren't enough good spots to hide the eggs but the kids didn't mind. It was pure chaos.
Our Easter morning was good. It was conference Sunday so we were able to sleep in and spend the morning going through the Easter baskets and looking for the eggs. We also got to watch conference in our living room in our PJ's...I could handle having church at home every week.