So, I am a firm believer that the three year old stage was definitely harder with Cole than two years old-we'll have to see if it goes for the twins also. Happy Birthday, Ellee and Luke! Can they really already be two years old? Where did all the time go? We didn't have a big huge party this year for the twin's birthday. The Wilder family has started throwing monthly birthday parties for everyone who has a birthday in each month. The family is getting so big we were constantly at birthday parties and it was getting pretty hectic, so we were happy with one BIG party. 
It just happened that Damon and I were in charge of the April Birthday party. We ended up renting the clubhouse here for the party. The clubhouse has a huge theatre room, a game room with air hockey and arcade games and a huge kitchen/common room. Plus, if you go out the back door you walk into the playground. It is ideal for big parties. We had lots of fun, and all the kids loved it!
The Romig side is having a party next week to celebrate April and May birthdays as well as to see Josh before he leaves for Kuwait. It is at Papa and Mama's house so the kids will have a blast, I'm sure.
Today we really wanted to celebrate the twins' birthday as a family. It was a little tricky since Damon worked last night and I had to work until noon today. Needless to say, Damon didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Luke and Ellee had a great day! When I got home from work, Damon took the kids out on the deck to play while I brought in the big wheels for Luke and Ellee. They were so excited when they saw them-they hopped right on and threw a fit when we made them stop playing to take a nap.

We spent the day after their nap outside-practicing on the new big wheels, playing at the park, and attempting to fly Cole's kite he got for Easter.
Ellee was really good at pushing herself along with her feet, but couldn't reach the pedals well enough to pedal around-she did figure out which button on the trike played music-she was dancing and bouncing around while she pushed herself everywhere.
Luke got frustrated because he can reach the pedals better than Ellee but he couldn't get his legs to do the right thing-he was so upset that he couldn't speed around like Cole. It was funny watching his reaction every time his foot slipped off the pedals. Too cute!

We spent the day after their nap outside-practicing on the new big wheels, playing at the park, and attempting to fly Cole's kite he got for Easter.

Ellee was really good at pushing herself along with her feet, but couldn't reach the pedals well enough to pedal around-she did figure out which button on the trike played music-she was dancing and bouncing around while she pushed herself everywhere.

Luke got frustrated because he can reach the pedals better than Ellee but he couldn't get his legs to do the right thing-he was so upset that he couldn't speed around like Cole. It was funny watching his reaction every time his foot slipped off the pedals. Too cute!

I wasn't going to do a cake for them because they had already had the cake and ice cream thing at the Wilder party, but I really wanted them to have their own cake so I decided at the last minute to make them birthday cakes. Damon had taken the car to work so I couldn't just go buy one. I am pretty proud of my ingenuity!
Happy Birthday, Luke and Ellee! I can't believe they are two already. I love the big wheels, and I really love the cake. I am impressed you could just whip that together like it was nothing. You are so creative.
I miss doing the once a month birthday parties with our family.
Oh my gosh..their birthday was on Monday...I totally forgot. I am so sorry Min. They look super cute! Happy Birthday!!!
Ah Ellee and Luke are two! Time goes so fast. I loved the picture of the kids all on their power wheels. They will have so much fun cruising around together. Your cakes are very cute.
Coles birthday looked really fun! I am amazed that he is five. He was a 19 months when we got married. Does that phrase sound familiar, I think I always tell you that. What can I say I am a sentimental schmuck.
Please tell Cole that if he wants we can schedule a little Gerbil/cousin hangout time if you want. My mom would probably let you have them if you wanted them. LOL
I'm really looking forward to the party this weekend, thanks for taking on the planning.
I love the cakes! I hope when I make TJ's it turns out even half as cute! Hopefully things will get better with the Big Wheel's when they get a little taller... Keep trying Luke!
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