We cleaned and bandaged the cuts up. After they healed we noticed that he couldn't bend the tip of his ring finger. That's when we felt like horrible for not taking him to the doctor right when it happened.

On Monday, we took him to our pediatrician and he told us that Cole would need to go see a hand surgeon because it looked like he cut the tendon. He also said it would have been hard to detect the cut tendon until the wounds healed. That made us feel a little better. We found out that there are only a handful of doctors who specialize in hand surgery and even less who would work on a 5 year old's hand. Throw in who is covered under our insurance we really began to panic. We ended up calling Damon's friend, Oscar-who is an orthopedic surgeon and with his help we were able to find someone.

The doctor wanted to get him in for surgery the very next day. He said you don't want to delay anything-especially with young kids. We were there early for prep time and they gave Cole some "silly juice" to help him relax. It was both funny and sad to watch how he started acting once it kicked in.
We were told the surgery would last about an hour. 3 1/2 hours later the doctor came out and told us that it was a difficult surgery but went well. Cole's cast is huge! He didn't like it at first because it covered his fingers and went above his elbow.

Poor little guy! I didn't know the cuts were so bad! I am so glad you were able to find someone to operate on his hand and that it went well. His cast is huge, how long does he have to wear it?
He has to wear the cast for about 6 weeks depending on how it is healing. He may have to do physical therapy when it comes off to help train his tendons again.
Cole, you're so brave with that big cast. I love the pictures your dad drew on it. Good job being so brave. I'm sure it helped to have your Superman friend along with you. We love you!
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