Can you believe it? I don't have a six year old---no way! We had so much fun on Cole's birthday. His party is not until Friday but we wanted to make his birthday special so we asked him what he wanted to do and what special meal he wanted a couple days before his birthday so we could be prepared. I was expecting something like his pigs in a blanket request like last year, but he really thought about it for a couple hours and then decided that he would like us to make our own pizzas for dinner. Ummm-okay, we can do that. He told us that he wanted bacon, pepperoni, and ham on the pizzas. He was so excited about his pizza meal he kept telling everyone about it. When he got home from school he walked into the living room where his brand new bike sat, ran over to it and said "Sweet, present time!" He opened all the presents (the whole time telling Luke that they were his new toys and that he couldn't have a turn yet). Right when he got done opening presents he wanted to make the pizza. With Damon's expertise and his beautiful pizza making skills we managed to turn out some pretty yummy pizzas! The kids had tons of fun and it is definitely an activity we will do regularly. We also made rice krispy treats since we will do the cake at Cole's birthday party. He didn't expect us to put candles in the rice krispies-his reaction was so fun-he LOVED it! We had a really good day-even if it means that I have a six year old!
We've had lots of fun this Valentine's Day weekend. The week actually started out pretty yucky. We all spent the week sick as can be in bed. I had to call in sick to work 3 days in a row because we were all feeling so crappy. I think Luke had it the worst-he threw up probably 7 or 8 times. Poor kid.
Once we were feeling better we had fun making valentine's and sugar cookies. The kids had a ball. I especially loved the twins valentine scribbles and Cole's smiley face sugar cookies. ---Just ignore Ellee in her pajamas-her Snow White dress up was dirty so she put the pj's on over her jeans since it was a dress. Silly girl!