Well-it's official!!! Cole is now a first grader. It makes me so sad. I can't believe I have a six year old and that he is now in school all day. I've had a harder time with first grade than I did with kindergarten. I think it's because he is in school from 8:50-3:50. That seems like such a long time for him to be away from us. His teacher is Mrs. Bennight. It was so cute--when Damon dropped him off at school yesterday he said "Dad-I like school... but I miss my family, too." Ohhhhh! That just about broke my heart. He had a rough time adjusting to 1st grade and came home a little bit sad for the first couple weeks. Damon and I have been stressing out and trying to figure out what we can do to make him enjoy school and to want to be there, even though we are really wanting him home with us. It was such a relief to pick him up yesterday and to see his huge grin and happy face. He got in the car and told me how much fun he had at school. I am so glad that he's used to the full day, has made friends and is now enjoying it a little bit more!!!Luke and Ellee obviously miss Cole and talk about him all day long. They start preschool soon and ask almost every day when they will get to go to "Mama's school". They are so excited....we'll see how that goes.
I hope Cole continues to like school...and I really hope that his teacher starts pushing him a little more and giving him a little more to do so he wont get bored! He is just too smart!
I love that he is missing his front teeth for the first days of school! Crazy to think how long our boys have been friends and that they are in first grade now!
Aaaaaaw!!! Look at his adorable tooth gap! I remember you telling me he'd lost them but you never did post pics (or I missed them?) He looks so cute and way too grown up. Why do they have to go and do that anyway? Can't they just stay small :(
I still can hardly believe he is in first grade. I'm glad he is liking it. He is so cute with his front teeth missing.
I hope Cole continues to like school...and I really hope that his teacher starts pushing him a little more and giving him a little more to do so he wont get bored! He is just too smart!
I love that he is missing his front teeth for the first days of school! Crazy to think how long our boys have been friends and that they are in first grade now!
Aaaaaaw!!! Look at his adorable tooth gap! I remember you telling me he'd lost them but you never did post pics (or I missed them?) He looks so cute and way too grown up. Why do they have to go and do that anyway? Can't they just stay small :(
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