As a family we got a kitten this year for Christmas. We've named her Kit or as Luke lovingly calls her Kit Kat. She is super cute. There are a few allergy issues right now so we'll see if this is a permanent thing or a fun little visit. We'll see if things get better or worse. She is awfully cute and a cat is definitely the kind of pet that fits our lifestyle and home. We'll see what happens.

This was the first year that all the kids really understood what it meant to give presents to others as well as getting new presents for themselves. It was fun to watch how excited they got as they watched others open their gifts. It was good to see! We had a great Christmas and have really enjoyed the time off together.
Your kids are so cute! I love that Cole would close his eyes as he opened presents to get the full affect. How are the allergies going with Kit now?
A cat! Who has the allergies?
I thought I'd already seen all these Christmas pics so I'm totally baffled about how I didn't comment already. I wonder if I saw them on T or Sarah's blog? Anyway, your kids are so dang cute...and SO DANG BIG!! They're all grown up :( Looks and sounds like a fun Christmas!
That is so cute! Lili got the same baby and stroller/highchair/bassinet set that Ellee got. Lili is up to 4 babies now and makes sure to tuck them in bed every night and help them say their prayers. Girls are so funny with their babies. :) Looks like the kids were really good this year, they got a haul! Good job guys!
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