When playing first base at his baseball game, Cole stretched out to catch a ball while keeping his foot on the base and the runner ran right through him. He went to school the next day and kept complaining that his "boys" hurt so Damon checked and they were swollen. We took him to the doctor where he had an ultrasound and found out that he had a hernia with hydrosel. We scheduled the surgery and he ended up taking 2 weeks off from baseball. He was so nervous for his surgery but they do such a great job at Primary Children's. It is so nice that the Riverton Hospital is now another Primary Children's surgical center. He was able to play video games, blow bubbles, color a surgery buddy and read books all in the time he was waiting for surgery. He was so goofy when he woke up from surgery. He loved having everyone waiting on him...he milked it for all it was worth, asking for slushies, cookies, etc. It was cute. He was ready to start playing hard the day after surgery so we had to be very inventive to come up with different ways to keep him occupied.
He doesn't look too miserable :) Glad things went smoothly. Hope he's all healed and back to normal now! (I'll never forget Ben coming out of his anesthesia after some major dental work... loopy doesn't even begin to describe!)
:( So sad.. he seemed back to normal though, at the family party. Cute little kiddie hospital gown and pants. :D
He doesn't look too miserable :) Glad things went smoothly. Hope he's all healed and back to normal now! (I'll never forget Ben coming out of his anesthesia after some major dental work... loopy doesn't even begin to describe!)
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