I can't believe it-Cole started kindergarten today. I will say this-I handled the testing last week and all the preparations for today with ease-but I had such a hard time watching him walk into that classroom!

For the last week he's been counting down for kindergarten. It has been fun watching how excited he's been. I am just struggling with the fact that Cole is already old enough to start kindergarten. Time has gone way too fast!

When we got to his school he ran over to his teacher and said "You're my teacher, right?" She said "Yes, I am. How are you Cole?" He was so thrilled that she remembered his name. Way to go Miss Bell! He then blew us a kiss- said "Bye, guys" and went to play on the kindergarten playground while he waited for class to start. He was oblivious to everything else-he just wanted to be at school.

The minute he walked away Luke got so sad. Luke started sobbing, reaching out his hand and calling "Coley, Coley, Coley!" All the other parents thought it was so cute that he was so sad about Cole going to school. I really was doing fine up until that point-then I got sad-I got watery eyes, but didn't let anything slip out. Little stinkers!

When I picked him up from school he was so distraught. I was so worried that he didn't have a good time. When I asked him what was wrong he said "I want to ride the bus!" We don't live far enough away from the school for a bus ride and when I tried explaining that he told me that we should just buy our own bus. It was all I could do to not laugh at the idea-he really was upset-so with my good mothering skills-I quickly changed the subject. I asked how school was and he said good. He told me that they had a chart to tell how they are feeling and that they got to put their names in the area describing how they felt. He told me that he put his name in the nervous area because he missed Damon and me. But then he said he thinks he might be in the happy area tomorrow because he likes school. Whew! Damon and I were so worried about how he would handle school-but I think all his emotions have been pretty normal. He loved his first day-hopefully he continues to love school.
1 comment:
Congrats on going to Kindergarten, Cole!
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