Cole was able to take a real shower for the first time in a month! He was so excited-he got his cast off last week and is loving his newfound freedom. Last Tuesday the doctor took off Cole's cast and replaced it with a splint. He is still pretty confined in the splint but at least now he can move his elbow and take it off for showers. He was disappointed when the doctor told him he still couldn't go swimming or take baths. He had been associating getting his cast off with going swimming and it was a big let down. He will have the splint for two weeks total-as long as the finger is healing well. It has been one week since the cast came off and we are already seeing lots of improvement. He can now almost straighten the finger which he had surgery on. It is still too soon to tell if the surgery was completely successful because it is too swollen to bend or make a fist-and the doctor doesn't want to strain it that much. In order to hold the tendon in place the doctor had to attach it to a wire, drill a hole through his fingernail into the tip of his finger, and pull the wire through the hole-he then tied a knot in the wire and tendon on the outside of his finger to hold it in place.
Gross-I know but if it works we won't care how he did it. Cole is a little bit freaked out by the fact that his fingernail is gone, but is also very intrigued by it. He loves checking it out and trying to figure out exactly what happened to his finger.

Well-I am back to work full time now. It is so hard for me. I love coaching and teaching but it is so hard leaving the kids at home and watching Damon adjust to the no-sleep thing again. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays he gets about 2 hours of undisturbed sleep-and that's only if the twins take a good nap. We tried looking into daycare for just Mondays and Tuesdays, but most of the daycare places by our house are either full time 5 days a week or full time 3 days a week. They won't add any kids who are just part-time because they want to fill it with full time kids. Plus, daycare is expensive-especially when there are two kids to pay for. I feel so bad for Damon-I've been looking for solutions, but don't know what to do. Volleyball season is even harder because I can't come home at 2:30 because there is practice after school. I would love any suggestions!!!
GREAT photo up top!! Luke has, once again, melted me with his super smile :) And Ellee looks so pretty and feminine! Cole is a giant. He's growing up too fast.
His finger totally grosses me out. I didn't realize HOW they fixed it. Eeew. Love that he's fascinated by it though. And you're right... whatever it takes. LOVE the pic of the three of them flexing. Too cute.
Did you try some Dr Seuss with Cole? I hope things start picking up the pace at school soon so he's having fun AND moving in the right direction academically.
No advice on the child care front, other than to try to find a family friend or maybe someone in your ward who is a stay-at-home-mom who could maybe use a bit of extra $$? someone who doesn't already do it as a business and livelihood but could use a little supplemental income? good luck. I'm sure the stress sucks. Poor Damon with that schedule. But I know you carry the stress almost as much as he carries the fatigue. {{{{hugs}}}}
I finished SYTYCD tonight. Call me! (just don't call before about noon your time LOL)
The kids look so cute. I love the muscle pictures. I'm glad Cole is liking school--it so crazy to think of him being in Kindergarten. I'm hoping I won't bawl when I send Ashlyn on her first day of preschool.
His finger does look pretty cool. I'm glad he showed it to me. I won't return the favor when I get my surgery ;)
I always feel bad for Damon and your schedule. I can imagine it is hard, but you guys always do such an amazing job balancing it all.
I wish we lived closer! I've been doing daycare up here just to kind of fill in the gaps, it would be a lot more fun to be hanging out with some family. I'm glad Cole likes kindergarten. Our kids start on Monday and Meili will be starting kindergarten. Meili and Deuce have been with us for the last 2 weeks, so I've been reviewing with her as best I can to make sure she is ready. She is so excited! Cole's finger is gross by the way, ewww... My teacher is getting ready to take us to a morgue to show us what they do after patients die, so I'm glad I got some gore from Cole's finger to prepare me. :) Say hi to everyone for us!
You take great pics. I really need to work on my photography skills. I can't believe how the DR. went about fixing Cole's finger. I hope it completely heals. Do you like Cole's school, teacher? River is loving his teacher, but he needs to work on his urge to chat. I agree with Angie, Luke's smile is to die for and Ellee is such a girl. I wonder how tall Cole will get???
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