I am shocked at just how busy we seem to be. Cole is now three weeks into his baseball season and we are nonstop at games and practices. Ellee and Luke love going to practices because they get to play on the playground the entire time. They are at the playground so often they are becoming possessive of certain toys there-Ellee will not let anybody ride on the yellow bouncy horse-watch out cause she will throw the biggest fit if you get in her way. Luke likes the brown horse-but really loves the swings-he likes one in particular so if it gets open he runs straight over to it for his turn. Cole is the one in the jacket. This season has been extremely cold-we were wrapped in blankets and huddled together on the sideline during this game. Cole's friend Jackson is on his team so it is fun to get to hang out with Jaimie (Jackson's mom) during games and practices. Cole is doing so well with baseball. He is consistently hitting it off the pitching machine and is now hitting left handed. Last year he couldn't make up his mind whether he preferred to hit right or left. It is so fun to watch. Every time he gets a hit, he runs to first base, turns to us, and gives us a thumbs up. Too cute! He loves to get the ball when his team is outfield so he has a tendency of tackling the other boys to get to the ball so he can be the one to throw it to first base. Somehow he must have baseball and football confused-he doesn't really understand the team effort concept-he just knows that he wants to get the ball. I know I shouldn't laugh about it but it is so funny to watch-we'll see if he continues to tackle his teammates. Damon talked to him about sharing the ball and playing as a team-who knows. Damon and I are just hanging in there. The countdown has begun 3 1/2 weeks until school is out. We all need some time off. I love summers-one BIG bonus of being a teacher! Damon likes my time off too because he will get to sleep!
So fun to have baseball to take Cole to. If you think you are busy now, just wait until Luke and Ellee get old enough to have events. I don't know how Mom's keep up with all their kids' schedules. Hopefully, I will learn quickly when mine are old enough.
The twinners are so darn cute! That playground looks awesome. Hooray for left-handed batters, I think they are neat, really neat! N-E-A-T, neat!!! That little cheer is for you Cole. It was fun watching him practice at Mama and Papa's. We really loves Summers too, because it means quality time with daddy for Ruby.
Football-Baseball confusion... that's too funny. After seeing Ellee with the car at our house I can totally picture her possession of the bouncy horse LOL. LOVE that Luke grin :)
So fun to have baseball to take Cole to. If you think you are busy now, just wait until Luke and Ellee get old enough to have events. I don't know how Mom's keep up with all their kids' schedules. Hopefully, I will learn quickly when mine are old enough.
The twinners are so darn cute! That playground looks awesome. Hooray for left-handed batters, I think they are neat, really neat! N-E-A-T, neat!!! That little cheer is for you Cole. It was fun watching him practice at Mama and Papa's.
We really loves Summers too, because it means quality time with daddy for Ruby.
Football-Baseball confusion... that's too funny. After seeing Ellee with the car at our house I can totally picture her possession of the bouncy horse LOL. LOVE that Luke grin :)
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