Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Marriage Tag

Thanks Sarah-I don't know if you wanted this much information, but you got it.

How long have you been married? Almost 9 years
How old is your spouse? 31
Who eats more? Damon
Who said I love you first? I honestly don't know-I remember the exact moment we felt that love, but who said it ?????

Who is taller? Damon
Who sings better? I think Damon does, because he isn't shy about it-that is one of my favorite things about him-he knows the lyrics to just about every song there is and loves to sing for all of us. We sometimes just sit in the car singing even though we are home-he is so fun to watch. I love to sing but only let loose when nobody else is around or the music is up so loud nobody else can hear.

Who is smarter? I am more book smart-Damon is more street smart-we make a good pair-even though we tease each other nonstop.
Who controls the T.V. remote? Damon, but we do have contests to see who is better at stopping the DVR at the right time.
Whose temper is worse? Damon-hands down.

Who does the laundry? I do...Damon still likes to use the excuse that he doesn't really know how and that he doesn't want to ruin the clothes-I am on to his trick though-wish I would've thought of it first.
Who does the dishes? I do---Damon has gotten pretty good at rinsing off his dishes and putting them in the sink (much better than when we first got married) but I get all the loading and unloading.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Damon
Who cooks dinner? Both of us-unfortunately we aren't the best in the kitchen except for a certain couple meals. We work opposite shifts so whoever is home is in charge of the kitchen at that time.
Who is more stubborn? Damon-but I am stubborn, he just doesn't always know until I pester him enough.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am definitely the peace maker in the family-Damon likes to cool down before we figure out a solution. Sometimes I tease him because I don't remember the last time he admitted he was wrong. He will say that's because it hasn't happened.
Whose parents do you see the most? Probably my parents, with our crazy work schedules we just don't get out much-Cole goes to my mom's preschool so we see her at least three days a week.
Who has more friends? We both have a lot of friends at work, but when we get home we really don't get out much-we like our family time. I would say it is sixes-pretty even.
Who has more siblings? Damon does-he has 4 siblings and 7-10? step-siblings. I have 5 siblings.
Who wears the pants in the family? Such a funny question-that would definitely be Damon-we both make decisions and talk things through but when it really comes down to it Damon usually has the final say. I get teased quite a bit from him because he would like me to make some decisions but I have a really hard time. He won't go shopping with me anymore because I just take too long-I can admit it-I am lousy at decision making!


Lisa said...

This is cute, I'll probably add it to our blog... It's funny how similar Treg and Damon are, even down to the singing in the car even after you're home. :)

The Romig Chronicles said...

I love how into detail you went with your answers, so often when I read things like this, the answers are one word. Maybe Damon should try out for "Don't forget the lyrics."

We were watching AI on Tuesday and when ever David Cook came on, Ruby would tap the screen and say "Damon, Damon, Damon?" She obviously didn't know that her uncle is a rock star on the side! lol

Chase and Teresa said...

Loved reading your answers. You are a good peacemaker & slow to temper. I hate that I am worse with both of those than Chase. Chase asked me the other day why every fight is about him. I wonder if it is because I nag too much or he isn't doing enough :) Pretty sure I know the answer to that too :{